Samstag, 25. September 2010

ASlave 1.1

ASlave is 1 month old.
As a celebration a update!
This update is mainly for bugfixing and redoing the layout.
For ex. I added a new "Event/Attribute" selection in the creator.
I remember creating in RPGMaker a few years ago, and it had a neat event selector.
Therefor I got the idea for a selectionwindow, hope you like it, it was a bitch to implement, because attributes are fucking everywhere!

But I also added some stuff like Multiple Tooltips for Attributes.
Now it's possible to say Money < 10 "Poor", Money > 10 "Fucking rich!".
Are you happy now? (Looking at you, Typ12)

I'll probably never ever change that Attributes can have the same name.^^"
Sorry about that.


  • Save for work Mode is Added
    This is also remembered in the File!
    In Save for Work Mode no Image is shown! (The expection is the add/edit Image dialog)
    You can also switch between Modes during creating!
  • An Attribute can now have multiple tooltips.
    For example you have the stat "Looks". While it's 0-15, the text says "Ugly", 16-30 "Normal", 31-60 "Beauty" and 61-100 "Stunning".
    If none of the tooltips is met, the Standard tooltip is shown.
    Info: The first „Tooltiprequirement“ that is met, is shown.

  • When you scale the game window, the textbox is also getting bigger now,
  • The Creator is now resizeable like the Game window.
  • Events list does not auto expand anymore.
    Now everything gets closed.
    Still not ideal, but not as annonying!
  • When your selecting pictures for an event, it'd be nice if there was a way to deselect all the photos, so it'd be quicker to just select one. I write the event to the picture, so I rarely use all of them for a random drop.
  • Better selection of attributes/events
    In the Creator you now have a better selection for Attributes and Events.
    You will get a popup where ou can select the category first, and afterwards the Event/Attribute.
  • Redid the Followup Event calculation. Thanks ker!

  • Textblock Copy/Paste didn't work anymore.
  • For some culture settings the Game crashed when Eventa had TimeRequirements.
    This should be fixed, but because I can not test it, please report back, thank you!
  • Time Requirement Bug
    For some people time requirements could not be met.
  • In Choices the Game crashes if no event was selected. It should be checked in the creator.
  • If a Imagecategory had no Images and the Event was called InGame, the Game crashed.
  • Load didn't work correctly
    Attributes didn't get set anymore + if choices where present, they stayed after loading.

Samstag, 18. September 2010

ASlave 1.0.1

1.0.1 is here, prepare your body!

Shampoo from Flowersteel | AStandart 0.11
This Slave can be used as a Template, if you want to create your own slaves!
Just open her in the editor and you can start editing!

Hinata is my testslave and gets a newer version with every update of the creator.
She shows the functions of the creator and how to get them.

Yuna 0.1.1 from ker
So been playing around with it, and made a playable, very early version of Yuna. Warning, it is fairly dark, missing many events, is text heavy, full of spelling errors, not much too do, etc but it has enough to let everyone play around with it. If your interested, download it, play around, let me know what you think. Also, I'd like more pictures of her doing job-related things for future events.

Tessa from arlj11
New Version2 with more Pics/Events.

The Multiupload Link:
Or if Multiupload isnt working for you the direct links:

Slut McSlut from knight666
Working events: Training, Blowjob and Anal. Bonus points if you can get her to orgasm.


  • Setup for the Program
    Different release types.
    Standalone/complete with .net
  • „Fail Events“
    If an Event Fails, this Event is called.
    It should be able to go on endlessly. (FailEvent fails as well, FailEvent of FailEvent is being called)
  • Conditional Texts
    Conditional Texts are avaiable for both Events and Textblocks.
    For more Information visit:
  • Creator can now select the Difficulty at Start.
    This shows only once.
  • New Error System
    Errors are now logged better.
    When an error occurs you get a window with more information.
    This makes it easier for me to locate some of the bugs.
    I didn't choose a log file so you can choose what information you want to make public.
    However, please always try to include the whole message, even if some is displayed in your language (not english).
  • Help Menu
  • Version Number in Creator + Game
  • Choices/Random Events for Daystart/DayEnd
  • Mass Image Import
    Images can now be Mass imported from a directory.
    All Files that are no image are being ignored.
  • If @ Slavename etc works - it would be nice if at the bottom of the creator window, there is a set of buttons, where you can choose the most common to be directly insert into the text. Would also make it easier for new people to make events that could span several slaves.

  • If one slave can't be loaded, the game skips ahead and doesn't crash.
  • Attributes have now multiple Tabs
    Attributes are now shown in Multiple Tabs

    You have the Tab „All“ which displays all of the Events.
    But also for each category a specific tab.
  • Background Image can be deleted
  • Attributes are sortable

  • If a Event was renamed, the slave got destroyed.
  • If a Event was deleted with subevents, this could cause problems if the subevents where used in requirements etc.
  • Attributes were not colored correctly when using /.
  • Multiple Followups for Events didn't work.
  • Program crashed because of less than 4 numbers in time requirements.
  • Timerequirements in Events/Textboxes were checked to soon.
    Please check your slave for changes if you experienced problems/used Timerequirements.
  • Attributes did not get white again
  • Creator crashed when in Maps, no MapButton was clicked, but the Event choosen.
  • If no Event was created, the Game crashed.
  • @Attribute didn't work
  • You got a runtime error when trying to create any events without having created any attributes/attribute categories.
  • Attribute Requirements could force a Runtime error
  • Changing attribute names crashes the program when using attributerequirements.
  • Ending Textboxes could not be added.

How to create Conditional Texts

Conditional Texts enable you to add a Text depending on the current Variables/Attributes of the Slave.

The Conditional Texts are always displayed at the End of the Text.
For example:
"Hinata is cooking
She has fun during cooking. (Fun > 10)
She cooks good. (Cooking > 30)"

To get this you can either add conditional texts in the textblock or via event.
Select the Tab "Conditional Texts".
Here you see:
  • The List which contains all Conditional Texts. (Click on a Conditional Text to edit it)
  • Requirements similar to Before Textblock/Event (Please note that you have to fill out the Name for the Conditional Text)
  • The Text which should be displayed.

If everything worked correctly you should see in the game that another text is added at the end, depending if the requirements are met or not.

You can also use this for the Event if you want a certain text to be shown in all textblocks of the event.

Sonntag, 12. September 2010

ASlave 0.97

0.97 is here, enjoy!

The Download can be found at:
If MultiUpload isn't working for you, you can also use this links instead:

  • Worldmaps
    Worldmaps have been added.
    For a detailed explanation please Visit
  • Loading Screen in the Gamestart
    Thanks to Flowersteel for the Graphic!

  • Attributes in a Subwindow
    Attributes are now shown in a Subwindow.
  • Attribute Categories are shown in the Grid
    The Buttons for the Attribute Categories are gone, you now see the Category directly in the Grid
  • Jump Back to the EventCategory from where you fired.
    Now you don't need to click the Category again, after executing an event in the Game.
  • Continue changed to „Pass Time“.
    Also added a Warning Message „There ist still time left, are you sure you want to continue?“.
  • After and Before Textblock, can have Decimal Values.
    This is also true for Attributes/Variables in general
  • Add @SlaveFirstName / @SlaveName / @SlaveFullName / Age for Textblocks.
  • Attributes are replaced in the Text. For example @Lust etc.
  • Category of Events is shown in the Dropdown, Events are now easier to sort through.
    Problem: Now you also see in the Events what Category a Event has, is this a problem?
  • Attributes are sorted
    Attributes are sorted by name now in all requirements.
    Showing the Category is a bit more complicated, therefore I left it out, if it is really nesessary please tell me!
  • Category of an attribute can now be changed.
    You can now change the attribute category while editing the attribute.

  • Error when using a 0.90 File
  • When Time was set > 23:59, the Game crashed
    You can now also use times like 25:12 etc.
    However please note:
    For ex. 2:00 in the Morning is not > than 13:00 Afternoon. (It's smaller, because Midnight is over)
  • If no Tooltip in Attributes is added, the Game crashes on MouseHover.
  • Attributes sometimes get 0 Values
    Only in the Nightly Build
  • Min/Max could be „overstepped“
    This happened with / and *.
  • When you copy an event, and change the "before/after" tab for the new event, it changes for all the copies of that event including the original. But only the things in the "before/after" tab.
  • If you have many Images in a category, the creator slows down.
    This happend both while in a Imagecategory or Event with many textboxes.
    It should be alot faster now.
  • Attribute Requirements didn't work.
    It's working now, just to be clear:
    If you don't check the visibility checkbox, the attribute will never show, no matter the requirements!
  • When an Event was fired there was no color in the Attributesgrid.

Samstag, 11. September 2010

FAQ: MapEvents

In This Tutorial you'll learn how to use MapEvents.
MapEvents, are Events that call a Map/Image, from which the player can select which Events are going to be fired.
For example you can add a "Random Event" which we call "Head into the Woods", or you can add fixed Events like the Farm Event.
These events shown on the map also have requirements, if you didn't search for the casino first, it will not turn up.

To Create a new map click on the Map Tab in the Creator and on the + Sign.
A new window will open.
First select an image you want to use as the map.
After the image is selected you will see it as a background, you should resize the window, so non of the brown background remains.
Beware: the same size you make the map now, it will turn up in the game.
After you positioned the map, you cann add the events.
Click on Add MapEvent, and you will get a button you can move freely on the image.
If you click on the Button you can edit various attributes, including which event should be fired.

After you are finished click on save, the map should now be visible.

To get the Map to appear in the game you have todo the following:
Click on new event/edit event, and select "Map Events" for Usage.
The Maps Tab should be visible now, simply click on the map you want to use.

That's it, you have successfully created a map. :)

Sonntag, 5. September 2010

ASlave 0.95

The Download for 0.95 with Hinata:

The Download can be found at:
If MultiUpload isn't working for you, you can also use this links instead:


  • Requirements for Attributes.
    Attributes can now also have Requirements, simmilar to Events and Textblocks.
    The will only show if the requirements are met.
    But beware: In the Background, even if the player doesn't see them, you can set them!

  • Random Events:
    You can now call a Event.
    This Event has a fixed change of calling subevents.
    For more details visit:

  • Followup Events:
    Events can now have random follow up events.
    For more details visit:

  • Attributes have Categories
    Attributes can now be placed in Categories which are also shown in the Game!
  • The Game can now be maximized/resized.
    If you want you can set the Size yourself without destroying the Pictures.
    The Game Window also starts a bit smaller.
  • Unequal Sign is added to all BeforeTextblocks.
  • Added Infotext for both Events and Choices.
  • Added Options Easy/Advanced to Creator and hide too complicated stuff.
    Now you can change between Easy/Advanced from the new Menu in the Creator.
    With easy you now get the basics.
    This is now also saved in the File!
    But it's still possible to edit stuff in advanced → change back to easy etc.
  • Added Menu Bar for the Creator
  • Add „ days left“ to requirements.
  • Add Time to requirements
    Please Note that you have to use 24h format.
    For ex.: Current Time >= 16:48
  • The Events in the DropDowns in both Textblock/Event are now sorted by Name
  • Events are now always refreshed after one is fired.
    Now after each Event is fired, it's possible that afterwards you get New Events/others dissapear.
    Before 0.95 you had to wait until the next Day/Night
  • Changed Creator Name from Aslave Creator to A Creator
    If only 1 Category is avaiable in the Events, it is not shown in the Game.
  • If no Eventcategory was made, you got an error while trying to add a new Even.
    Now the Category „General“ is automatically added.
  • When older Slaves are loaded with no Categories the Game crashed.
  • If you change the name of an attribute and already had set this attribute as a BeforeTextbox condition for an event, the name stays the same.
  • On Day Start/End @PlayerName didnt work.
  • Creating Global Events on Evening didn't work.
  • Bug in the File
    If you create a New slave and the File doesn't exist you got an „File in use error“.
  • If you copy a textblock, you could not change anything till the list was refreshed.
  • If you copy a textblock, paste it elsewhere and then change something about the new block, the old origin block also changes stats.
  • If Attribute/Sign was not selected in Reuirements the Creator crashed.
  • If you edit an Public Event, the Tree Closes. This is now fixed.
  • Treesystem: Items diapeared if you merged 2 global events in a specific order.

FAQ: FollowUp / Head into the City

With 0.95 "FollowUps" are introduced.
Followups are Event's that can happen afterwards.

In this example we make a Event for "Heading into the City".
We make 2 FollowUps: One for 10% loosing money and 30% finding some money.

Now we add the 3 Events.
The first is the "Head into the City" Event.
Afterwards you create 2 more, one for getting money, and one for loosing money.

After you are finished creating the 3 Events, simply edit the CityEvent:

Now you have a 30% chance to find money and a 10% to loose money.
So with a chance of 60% nothing happens at all.

That's it, you should have created a "FollowUp"!

Because Followups are Events, you can call a FollowUp to a FollowUp, or an RandomEvent as a Followup!

FAQ: Random Events / How to make yourself a Casino

With 0.95 Random Events are introduced.
This is a short FAQ on how to create your own Random Events.

Here we are creating a Casino!

We need the Casino Event.
Which contains 2 Textblocks.
In this case we look if the player has enough money.
If that's the case, in the Money >= 100 Textblock, set the "Lets Play" Event as a Choice.

Besides this "Let's Play Event" you need 2 more.
One for loosing, and one for wining.

After you created the Events you should have 4 Events:
Casino, let's play, winning, loosing.

Open up the Let's Play event and set "Call random Events".
The Tab Random Events should appear.
And there we set Winning to 30% and Loosing to 70%. (Because we are mean).

That's it.
Nothing more required, you have a casino ;)

You can also make RandomEvents for RandomEvents, or Followups/Choices for RandomEvents!

Mittwoch, 1. September 2010

ASlave 0.90

Release 0.90 is here:

The Download can be found at:
If MultiUpload isn't working for you, you can also use this links instead:

You need the .net Framework for it to run:

However, to play, you also need Slaves.
Hinata (my testslave so you can see what happens in the creator, feel free to edit her)
Or if Multiupload does not work for you:

Slut McSlut from knight666
Working events: Training, Blowjob and Anal. Bonus points if you can get her to orgasm.

  • Added: You can now use the * and / Sign for Attributes.
  • Added: Requirements for Choices are now activated
    When a Event has no Textblocks that are relevant, it is not shown in the Choiceselection for the Player.
  • Added: In the Creator, now the Path for Loading Slaves and Images is stored in a sperate File.
    With this even after closing the creator, if you work again the program remembers you last used paths.
    This makes file selecting easier.
    Note: In this File only the 2 Paths for Image/Slaves are stored, nothing else!! If you don't want other to see this info you don't have to include the file in any of your releases
  • Added: Copy/Paste was added for both Textboxes and Images
  • Added: Events can now have Requirements.
    For example a Event now only shows up when Love 10.
    Hint: Because Choices are also no more than Events, this is true for choices as well.
    I demonstrate this in Hinata with the Shop Event.
    After you Slap Hinata 1x and go to the Shop again you get "Slap her again".
  • Added: I added Categories for Events.
    This means you can Group Events together, which is shown in the Game.
    I think it looks much better now.
    Also added Styles for Eventcategories.
    But beware! This has nothing todo how you group together Events in your tree!
  • Upgrade: Attributes are better shown in the Creator.
  • Upgrade: Events are redone. You can now view them in a Tree.
  • Upgrade: Textblocks are now sorted by their priority. This makes it easier to see which event has priority.
  • Upgrade: The full path of an image is shown in the Image window.
    The Full Path was already shown, but the Textbox was not very wide. If the path is still longer, you can select the text and scroll to the left.
  • Upgrade: After your Day/Nighttime is up. You don't automatically jump through time anymore but get the message that you don't have enough time of the event left.
  • Upgrade: Attributes can be changed with other Attributes for ex. Money += SkillOnsen * 2
  • Bugfix: If OR was selected in a Textblock. You got AND again after another edit.
  • Bugfix: When you go from one event to the next (in the game), the scrollbar doesn't go to the top. It stays at the same place, which ruins the story!
  • Bugfix: If the "=" Sign was used in Textblocks After Event, the Value was always set to Max.
  • Bugfix: When you open a sub window, for instance when you add an event, the Creator no longer shows up in the alt+tab window (Vista/Win7).
  • Bugfix: When you deleted an Image and it was used in a Textblock it was not correctly deleted.
  • Bugfix: After Reloading a Slave/Loading another Slave, the "Night Start" Section was not cleared.
  • Bugfix: @PlayerName did not work in the Game. (Now it is replaced with the actual name of the player)
  • Bugfix: If no Attribute Tooltip is entered, the game crashes on MouseHover.
  • Bugfix: Game was very slow.
    For example when Events are reloaded during Timechange the Buttons loaded very slowly. This was also true for Windows resize.
    This was due to the "TabControl" in which Events where viewed, this is fixed because Events are displayed differently.

Screen of the Game:

Screen of the Creator in Events:

Sonntag, 29. August 2010

ASlave 0.80

The Download can be found at:
If MultiUpload isn't working for you, you can also use this links instead:

New Hinata Slave with Choices/New Picture Selection:
Or if Multiupload does not work for you:

What the Choice System looks like in the Game:

  • Fixed Bug that you could not add Attributes which only have the Name set.
  • Fixed Bug if you try to edit an event without selecting one
  • Fixed that no Scrollbars appear in Day Start/ Night Start
  • Fixed that you could add Textblocks even if no Event was selected -> Textblock never gets visible.
  • Fixed that Events in the Game did not scroll.

  • Added Functionality for "Global Events".
    • You can mark Events to be avaiable for Day and Night.

  • Added Choices:
    • At each Textblock you can have now Choices.

  • Upgraded Multiple Image Selecting Functionality
    • You can select/deselect the Images you want to Use from the categories.
    • Before this upgrade always a random picture from all images was taken.

Tutorial : Choices

This is a short Tutorial on how to add Choices.
In this example we are making a small shop:

First, create a TextBlock with the Following text:

We want to give the player the choice to give Hinata cookies or not.
Therefore after you created the Textblock, you are now adding the events what happens if you give her the cookies or don't give her the cookies:

You should now have the following events:
- Shopevent
- Event when you give her the cookies
- Event when you don't give her the cookies.

Please note that on the create Event window, "Is visible for player" is not set!

Now, what we need to do is go back to our shop textblock and go to the tab choices:

Now you need to add 2 choices.
One for buying her the cookie and one for not.
Simply enter a text + select your 2 events you created.

That's it.
You should have successfully created a choice.^^

Please note that this could go on endlessly.
If you didn't buy her the cookie, you can make another choice, and jump back to the shop for example.

Freitag, 27. August 2010

ASlave 0.70

New 0.70 Version:

The Download can be found at:
If MultiUpload isn't working for you, you can also use this links instead:

New Hinata Slave with Stylings and Author Text:
Or if Multiupload does not work for you:

  • Added Author Note
  • Added Styles Setting
    Background Image
    Color of Eventbuttons
    Color of Systembuttons
  • Added Time
    You can now use Time.
    You can set how many Minutes a Textblock is using.
    Day goes from 8:00am till 05:00pm, Evening from 06:00pm till 2:00am
    So Day and Night now actually changes! YAY!
  • Fixed that Attributes could multiply.
  • Fixed that Attributes could not be deleted.

Style Screen:

In this Tab you can change how the game should look like for the player.
You can set the Background Image of the Game and various Textcolors/Backcolors.

So that's what the Game can look like:

Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

ASlave 0.60

Version 0.60 is released.
Changes made:
Added Save/Load Function
Added Endings
Fixed Bug in Attributes Grid -> Attributes could be changed
Fixed bug in Events, Add Textblock, if you selected an "Before Event", the GenderDropDown was not set.

The Download can be found at:

You need the .net Framework for it to run:

You also need .as Files for your Slave folder.
Check out the "Links to Forums" Section to find them!

A short FAQ on how to use the editor

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