Samstag, 11. September 2010

FAQ: MapEvents

In This Tutorial you'll learn how to use MapEvents.
MapEvents, are Events that call a Map/Image, from which the player can select which Events are going to be fired.
For example you can add a "Random Event" which we call "Head into the Woods", or you can add fixed Events like the Farm Event.
These events shown on the map also have requirements, if you didn't search for the casino first, it will not turn up.

To Create a new map click on the Map Tab in the Creator and on the + Sign.
A new window will open.
First select an image you want to use as the map.
After the image is selected you will see it as a background, you should resize the window, so non of the brown background remains.
Beware: the same size you make the map now, it will turn up in the game.
After you positioned the map, you cann add the events.
Click on Add MapEvent, and you will get a button you can move freely on the image.
If you click on the Button you can edit various attributes, including which event should be fired.

After you are finished click on save, the map should now be visible.

To get the Map to appear in the game you have todo the following:
Click on new event/edit event, and select "Map Events" for Usage.
The Maps Tab should be visible now, simply click on the map you want to use.

That's it, you have successfully created a map. :)

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